Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Harvey Milk, but not from down south...

I finally got 'round to seeing 'Milk', the film celebrating the efforts of Harvey Milk towards gay rights. Well worth a look - Sean Penn does a great job, as do most of the actors. Second film I've seen Josh Brolin in, in a week, watched '.W' earlier - not sure whether to feel sorry for GWB or amazed that he got as far as he did...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sandy Syd

My Dad left on Saturday to do a solo walk in the Simpson Desert. He got a lift in with a 4WD mob (they'll also pick him up on the way back). He looks like being away for around 3 weeks, carting all his own food and gear. He's got an EPIRB and GPS sorted, now we just have to see how he goes...