Monday, May 25, 2009

Birthday drinks and dinner out at The Imp

Birthday today! Heading to the Imp, our local cafe, for tapas and wine. Pulled out a Howard Park Cab Sauv Merlot '99 we were given for our wedding in 2005. Wines not for keeping, it's for drinking!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Finders Keepers

Loving Finders Keepers blog and site - and following from there, one of their featured artists, Marcela Restrepo from Columbia, check out

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Good Egg

We *finally* got our first egg from our backyard chickens yesterday. We didn't even need to resort to leaving the axe by their door. Maybe they just heard us talking about it? I got 2 chickens as a Christmas present from B (Featherfoot and Mrs Pecky), with Mrs Pecky sitting on a few eggs. Eggs have hatched and now we have an extra little hen called "The Raptor" (the boys went back to the farm... seriously). Since my mum moved we have adopted one of her chooks, Vera. I think we can safely attribute this first egg to her... and by the sounds of it I think another might be on its way!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Breakfast catch up

Working from home is great but can leave you feeling a bit isolated at times. So, what better way to catch up and share ideas than over a good cup of coffee and breakfast? Have sent on to a few mates, if you're keen to join us let me know.
Breaky: Wednesday 27th May, 7.30am @ The Imp, Albany Hwy, Vic Park.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Op Shop School Desk

I bought this desk for $8 at an op shop, no in too bad nick. Will sand or strip and repaint if required. Thinking maybe a blackboard paint top and glossy black for the rest? Maybe. Originally thought o keep it outside and use for potting plants etc but am inclined to use it in our guest room as a bedside table. Might just add a small edge on the inclined top, so books won't slide off. Any suggestions?!

Garage Sale Plant Leaf

I bought a plant at a garage sale recently - no idea what it is, but it dropped a leaf. I bought the plant because I liked the leaves, the holes are interesting!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Beautiful invitations

Lovely, hand-lettered invitations to a wedding in the mountains. Wonderful colours and illustration too :D

Desk space wanted!

I've been asking around, trying to find desk space to rent for 2 or 3 days a week, in a creative studio or office. I'm getting a bit stir crazy working at home by myself. I'm not looking for something necessarily in a design studio, but any place where there's a few people, doing creative stuff. Not looking to get involved with their work etc, just improve my current work atmosphere a bit!

If you hear of anything, leave a message!

My other option, which I haven't looked into a great deal at this stage, is to go back and do some more study...


Music from the south west of Brazil, created by 16 year old Vinicius Gageiro Marques. Yonlu (his online moniker) sounds like Elliot Smith – another fave, another tragic figure. Check him out...