Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Change Your Thinking

After being recommended the course by a lovely friend of mine, Mum and I started (and finished last night) a 10 week course in changing your thinking. It was surprisingly good - it exposed me to the whole 'rational-irrational' thought process which, though very obvious and logical, is amazingly applicable to handling your everyday life and emotions.
At the end of our last class we listed a few goals for the next five years. Mine included "to live in the moment more" and "to appreciate what I have and not take anything I love or anything I have for granted." After listening to someone else I added one of their goals, to "surround myself with positive people." I like this because it's similar to one of B's and my favourite ideas, to "work with people better than you".

Monday, August 10, 2009

Felting Feels Fine

Through happy coincidences I am led to book a friend and myself in for a felting class. The obviously talented Pauline Franklin happens to be married to like-wise talented graphic design/painter Paul Dennis - whose work I have admired since the Bethany packaging. Paul and I also work together for our industry association, AGDA. My friend Aud is from Norway where felting is quite popular. These little babushka dolls are so sweet, maybe we can do that class a bit further down the line...