Monday, June 8, 2009

Date night

Had a very 'American' date Sunday night with B - a burger at the only place open (and close to the local cinema) at 9.30pm on a Sunday night, then caught 'Star Trek: 11' - we had the WHOLE cinema to ourselves! Had to run out and find staff to remind them to turn the lights off and pull the curtains open. Ahh, the laughs... anyway, not a bad movie! The extent of our Star Trek knowledge topped out at "Beam me up Scotty" and "Energise" but it didn't matter. Entertaining and interesting. Sylar (I mean Zachary Quinto) made a great Spock and Karl Urban was perfect as Bones (last time I saw him was in 'Doom' and as Eomer in 'Lord of the Rings').

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