Tuesday, June 1, 2010

First Five Out - AGDA Event

Come by The Oxford, Leederville, tomorrow night to see some awesome local designers who've been in the industry for five years or less... 'though I should issue a disclaimer here! I will be joining Rochelle Smith,  Scott Cain, Gene Eaton and Russ Goodman as the fifth presenter. Sorry - I did try to find an alternative!
Here's the spin...
Five designers, each having graduated in the past five years from their design course, have been invited to come and speak about their experiences thus far – people who started in design and who are now working in the industry, or outside the industry in other creative fields. How has having a base in design influenced and led each presenter to where they're at now? Especially regarding entering the design industry in Perth, their motivations and their tips to new graduates.
Come and join us!

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